I got to talking to someone about the current politics of the realm.... Wow, how does THAT happen around me??? But anyway, in this conversation a point was proven to me by my own "theories...." The man I was talking to was shocked that I said that "anyone who commits a crime should face the punishment." You see, Right wingers firmly believe that we uh, "liberals," are all for crime. We are all for corruption. We are all for...Well, lets cut to the chase.... Republican/Conservatives= ALL that's is GOOD, they wear the white hats, and do the good works of the Lord..... While Democrat/Liberals= ALL that is BAD, we wear the black caps and masks, and do the bidding of Satan.... That's it. Right there. And when I said that "IF Hillary, ~or anyone else,~ Right, Left, Repube, Democrook, even those of us who are Centrists, my friends, my family, even ME, no matter what wing of the Turkey they are on, (cause its all on the same bird,) did indeed do all these heinous things, commit crimes, do wrong, do "bad," from just little ol' me, all the way up to the highest office of the land, then yes, she, ~or anyone else,~should be punished..."
Here's the point----"But, I thought you voted for her?" he asked. "I did," said I. And he was rather incredulous about my position. I said, "I didn't vote for her as "fan," I did NOT vote for her because I LIKED her, I really don't, Bernie Sanders was who I wanted to be able to vote for, and the DNC made damn sure that he didn't "make it..." Hell, I'm not even a "Democrat.." The guy seemed floored... I dunno...This even more uh, shocking to the gentleman I was speaking to. He then asked "But why didn't you vote for Trump?" It's as if you commit high treason if you didn't vote the for the hot ticket, that you somehow escaped the power of sensationalism, that you didn't go along----with everybody else-----But, like soooo many of his peers, this man, a conservative guy, (and a good man, I like him,) seems to believe that there is just 2 sides; theirs, and the "enemy." That's it. That's all. And, that no matter what the person or thing you "like" or "love," should be left in the free and clear of the bad things they do. It's OK---if it's THEIR guy that does corrupt things. It's OK---if it's their guy who does contradictory things in spite of what they "preach." And--- In believing that we uh, "liberals" support crime and encourage it, he was shocked at my sense of "fair play." I think they are told, all the time, that we "liberals" are behind every blade of grass, under their beds, in their closets, waiting to pounce and take away their souls, and their rights, which of course, ONLY they and they alone have---"Rights..." And that we are sending out armies of robbers, engineers of corruption, and bad guys of all and every sort, from some kind of "High Command" somewhere.... He said that I was "One of the GOOD ones...." I really said nothing more, and turned the conversation to other things.... "One of the GOOD ones," is more of an insult than a compliment to me, but, he was doing the best he could, with what he was given and see in his world view, same as me...And I didn't let on that I found his comment both predictable and right along with how I see them and the uh, current political situation within the realm....
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