Friday, November 20, 2009
The Shroud of Turin....for the THOUSANTH TIME
OK kiddies---seems we've overlooked a detail in the Shroud of Turin. Seem that maybe "J.C." had his name wrote on his blankie. There seems to be a verification signature in the shroud. Look my little dears,it doesnt matter whether the shroud is real,or not. Doesnt matter if it from the medieval era or the Roman era. If the shroud means something to you,thats fine. if it means nothing to you,thats great too. But what Im getting tired of is the FACT that both sides of the issue cant really prove one damn thing either way. And THATS whats getting annoying. Even if Jesus' shroud is found to be "THE ONE" your still going to have your skeptics. Even if it is found to be 100 % to be a forgery,youre still going to have the believers willing ti go to war or a crusade to prove youre an heretic. The best thing that should have happened to the shroud is for it to have burned in the fire a few hundred years ago. Im not sure if Jesus would like it very much if all of Christianity would hinge,rise or fall on the blanket he was wrapped in after he was brutally murdered would be something he'd want to be a holy relic. Do you like seeing the car a relative died in? Of course not. This issue is another thing thats blown WAAAAAAAYYYYY OUT of PROPORTION,because theres NO WAY anyone will know the truth and facts pro or con. Meanwhile,pieces of the "bonafide, 100 % real splinters, of THE CROSS he was nailed too, is available in Israeli gift shops. And the Virgin Mary has been seen in a peice of toast,on the side of a building after a window washer didnt clean it very well---and all this is true. Piss them off and they have never stopped short anything to FORCE you to believe it. Just read the history....... The Shroud of year they'll find his nail clippers.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Central Casting for a Job.....
Employers dont "hire" employees,they "CAST" employees. It does not matter how well,how long,how experienced,your expertise,your knowledge,how ambitious,you are and do your job. Its doesnt matter. What your employer is looking for is an actor or actress that will do as much for as little as possible,yet expect you to perform at Oscar level at all times. They expect you to act and behave for the job(acting) what to say on the job,(scripting) get the point. Just a thought for the day..................
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Right to PEACEBLY Assemble... Part 2
Now that you have come to realize that gangs--are ALL criminally motivated,and are basically allowed to do whatever they want to do because they hide behind the guise of having the right to assemble---after having trimmed the "Peacebly" out.Gangs have become folk heroes in Hollywood movie plots,romanticing their "plight" while ignoring the fact their lifestyles are not glamourous and heroic,but crime ridden filth and drug related violence,death and murder.So with Hollywood,another filthy sewer where thing are confounded and confused,and the fact that we are too weal to stop it, works because we are no longer willing and capable of enforcing our laws. We will spend billions killing gangs overseas,and do nothing here.This is how fucked and how far gone we are. Now,.... Illegal Aliens are criminals right off the bat. We can call them many things to try to soften the impact,at first it was "illegal aliens" then it was"migrant workers" all kinds of euphemisms to mask the criminality,and now,just ask the Bank of America,who affectionately call them "New Customers,"and mask the fact that ALL illegals roaming around OUR NATION, and ANY and ALL NATIONS for whatever reason,of ANY and ALL races,religions---are CRIMINALS. Now the Liberal idiots who are in firm control over this in our nation, who help confound and confuse the issue by masking the invasion by completely circumventing the laws,distorting historical facts through the DISEASE called "Political Correctness" which is the same vehicle of thought the Bolsheviks,a gang, used to bring Russia down in the early 20th century.Russia wasnt perfect but you get the point.By completley ignoring the laws and customs,if not wiping their asses with it, have been successful to the point where it makes any military invasion seem like a weekend camping trip. In WWII, there was only some several hundred thousand men who went ashore in Normandy to stop a gang,the Nazis,from continuing their crimes. This was not "US aggression,"this was a matter of survival. If you disagree with this,YOU are part of the problem. YOU are an imbecile.The Tet offensive,launched by another gang,the Viet Cong,successfully regained control---basically--- of Vietnam in 1968 with just 80,000 troops. The American PIGS who allowed illegals in by breaking the laws to get them here,plus there human traffickers in Mexico---their OWN PEOPLE--- have managed to invade our nation with 20 MILLION and more,over a period of time.----20 MILLION---compared to just a few hundred thousand, to go ashore at Normandy,compared with 80,000 communists who "re-took Vietnam" in 1968. 20 MILLION ----AT LEAST.Mexico---with the help of too manyAmerican Pig Big Business,and Corporate Empires, have invaded your nation while you were told you "were too lazy to do the jobs" that they replaced YOU(WE) for,and YOU(WE)--- THANKED THEM--- FOR IT,becuase you(we) didnt want to appear to be "racist and intolerant," Can you imagine if a Military Commander or Dictator had that kind of force???Do you realize what Adolf Hitler would have done with just 50,000 Nazis in our borders in 1940? Ever thought for one minute of your sleepy little lives that all Hugo Chavez,or any futuer Central or South American Dictator has to do is yell "Viva La Revoluccione!"and arm about 1 or 2 hundred thousand of these illegals,just 1 or 2 hundredthousand------already on the ground,85 % of them males,men who dont give a fluffy fuck about anything but slurping off of America,already in the U.S.,illegals who wipe their asses on us,usurp our services,all in the guise of the "oppurtunity for a better life" and when these parasites drain their hosts, as Mexicans simply are---Parasites,they'll go right back to that desert shithole and live like roaches when America falls. But also,And I want this to be CRYSTAL CLEAR,that it doesnt matter what race,religion, or nation they are from,whether or not its even Americans who live in other nations illegally--are CRIMINALS. Anyone living in any nation illegally are CRIMINALS. Now I already know what you Liberal Horseshitketeers are going to TRY to do---but here comes your education and why you people are a bunch of morons. We ---DO NOT--- LIVE IN A "NATION of IMMIGRANTS" WE--the United States of America--is now and has been for over 200 years a SOVEREIGN---ESTABLISHED----NATION. We have Laws and Rules. If another wave of European "immigrants" all the sudden came to live here and the scene was repeated as it was during the mass immigrations of the late 19th century---Sorry,but if they live here illegally,they would be criminals. The difference and let this be CRYSTAL CLEAR---is that those immigrants came over here to BE AMERICANS,they came to BECOME CITIZENS. Most Mexicans---the vast majority of the invasionary force,is here to wipe his ass on you,he has NO GOD DAMNED INTENTION of ever becoming a citizen--but he WILL DAMN SURE EXPECT,DEMAND and RECIEVE ALL---EVERY---AND ANY BENEFIT from this nation,while YOUR RIGHTS and BENEFITS DWINDLE and SHRINK---and YOU (WE) WILL lick the corn from his shit. We WILL THANK HIM FOR IT......we dont want to appear to be racist and intolerant,now do we?An American will sell his daughters ass if it meant he wouldnt be seen as being a racist or intolerant.The next thing your liberal ass wiped mind will try to use to confound the issue is bring up what "we" did to the Indians,ooops the "Native Americans" who,as it turns out,came from somewhere else,and as the research goes deeper,that EUROPEAN DNA is PART of the ancient Native American population. America,the North American continent,being separated by two vast oceans was destined to be the place people "found" rather than "sprang up from." Here's what the liberal mind is incapable of grasping. Its a simple definition. An "immigrant" is born in one place,and moves to another. An "immigrant" goes through the lawful channels of his natural soil to leave,and does what it takes to become a productive CITIZEN of the nation he moves too.An illegal Alien does NONE of these things. They circumvent the law to usurp and use the system to their advantage,just like cancer,just like a parasite. Now the Native Americans often get this dewey eyed reverence for being fucked over by the whites,or by "Americans". The FACT is,that Native Americans were NOT a unified NATION,but THOUSANDS of loosely knitted tribes. There was NO NATION,on the North,Central or South American Continent,that grew to govern much more than something the size of Texas long enough to become an established sovereign nation, that was civilized in the terms weve all already deemed necessary to be in one.Native Americans HELPED EUROPEAN-----EUROPEAN-----settlers and explorers settle and clear the land of their enemies---other Indian tribes. Indians gleefully helped the first EURO conquerors kill their rival tribes,and subsequently themselves, off. Remember "AMERICA" did ---NOT EXIST---until roughly and crudely as a nation until at least 1776,some 300 years later,after the Euros began coming back to the continent---AGAIN.The Vikings before Columbus,and well before this it is being found that Europeans were here during the last Ice Age. What the liberal propaganda machine of PC has been too successful at doing, is saying that "WE" killed off the Indians. No "WE" didnt. This issue was a sad and unfortunate event in American history,but the forces were too far in motion before it was realized what wrongs have been done. But WE did not do this. This happened LONG before WE were even born,now. Its OVER---ITS DONE. No one alive today in the U.S. has killed a Native American and taken his land. This is FINISHED. Making people feel guilty fior things theyve never done is surprisingly highly successful for the Liberal/Communist agenda. It makes people ashamed, and immobilizes them against the propaganda of Liberal PC Lying Machines. They can bring MORE Mexicans in, because people living today in America are the ones who are now guilty and ashamed of something they've never done:Take something from a native people.There are TWO ILLEGAL and SUBVERSIVE anti-Constitutional forces at work here in the U.S. Illegal Immigrants DO NOT have the right to ASSEMBLE FOR ANY REASON. They are not supposed to be able to stage public protests,demonstrations,or MARCH on US streets. Gangs are not supposed to be allowed to exist. Its so bad that TV shows crop up everywhere on almost all channels to try to expose them,but it only helps them. Gangs and Illegal Criminals are NOT a positive part of a Civilized Nation. The proliferation of gangs and illegal aliens are the signal of DOWNFALL for a nation,any nation. It works far better than a military invasion,involving much larger numbers of invaders,infiltrators,subversive allies from the inside,over a longer period of time so that the population doesnt realize whats going on.Now go back to your sleepy liitle life. But I know you wont forget this.More to come.
The Right To PEACEBLY Assemble.
Most Americans dont seem to understand their own rights. Being too concerned with Lindsay Lohans latest crotch shots,having a huge plasma TV,watching Nancy Grace,and extremists like Rush Limbaugh,Rosie O'Donnell,Anne Coulter,and other far right or far left nutjobs that our country is basically a battlefield for,and wondering if the next job they get will allow them to continue their lifestyles of gluttony.So,they just dont have the time to see what is happening around them. Like I've said,they dont even know theres a war going on unless they have a relative in it. But when asked,most Americans know what to say at the right time so they dont appear to be out of the loop. "We support our troops" is something they know how to say at the right time,along with other euphemisms so they dont appear intolerant or racist,when in fact 99.9999999999999999999999% of Americans are nothing but intolerant racists,they just know what and what not to say at the right time. Get them in private and its a different thing all together. I can be honest,thought,I NEVER say anything about anyone I wouldnt say to their faces. Most Americans are too thick headed to grasp the "Right To Assemble," to them,obviously,thats as far as it goes. Even Law Enforcement is befuddled and confused about it. It reads---"The Right to Peacebly-----PEACEBLY-----Assemble." This means that NO ONE has the right to assemble to concieve,plan and commit crimes. We do not have the right to assemble to threaten,intimidate or humiliate others. So who is in violation??? One of the First and formost groups are gangs. Criminally or socially active gangs DO NOT have a right to exist. Our nation is not set up on wolfpack mentalities. Gangs are paramilitary,anti-Constitutional terror cells. They are ALL criminally motivated to circumvent the system by criminal motivations.This makes them subversive and this makes them the "Domestic Enemy" within our borders,to our state.Men and Women,Boys and Girls,who roam around in packs(gangs) are cowardly,weak and timid people,insecure and damn near worthless as individuals,so they pack up like animals for protection. Then they become a problem. They are required by their pack structure to commit crime and be violent---always wanting "respect" they dont remotely deserve. They simply are not or never will be capable of ever remotely comprehending that respect is something you earn,and not an entitlement because your part of a pack of inhuman,ignorant beasts.(Gangs) Law Enforcement is part of the problem. They fail to TREAT gangs as the paramiltary terrorist cells that they are,being confounded and confused about just what the right to assemble peacebly truly means. Well,it means what I just said--NO ONE has the right to assemble to commit crimes. ALL GANGS are criminally motivated and exist ONLY to commit crimes. DO NOT attempt to try to confound and confuse the issue with comparisons like,the US Army is a "gang" if you "think about it" or a "rock group is a gang if you think about it..." Or whatever they call the shit people listen to these days. This whole criminal element has a soundtrack,called rap and hip hop music that is very active in promoting criminal behaviour. It is one of the most successful mind washes and brain fucks in human history. Just ask your white son or daughter,they dont know what they are,but they think theyre black---but do nothing---its too late,it far too gone,---over---for anyone to stop now. You dont want to appear to be "racist" or intolerant,would you? The second group who do not not have the right to assemble in the United States are Illegal Aliens---ooops I meant "migrant workers" or if you reaqlly want the complete load of PC horseshit,do what that incredibly stupid organization called the "Bank of America" called them ---"New Customers" and all thos new customers damn near brought that bunch of pigs,the Bank of America,to its knees because these wonderful illegals didnt pay hardly a dime of the hundreds of billions that was handed to them back. This and more will be in the second installment.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
This is where I let it out...and it aint pretty.....
There are a few post sites I enjoy going to because they generally keep things on the "cool side" Usually a quick, friendly place where you make a few comments,but nothing heavy or emotionally,or politically controversial.....usually. When I post on these sites,its usually pretty benign. But ALL POST SITES exist to gather info. what people are saying. Its well beyond a conspiracy theory,its what they do. They get an idea for how people feel,and lots of info can,and IS GATHERED from the most benign and trivial of conversations. But when I blog here,I tell exactly what I think without any reservations or attempts to mask any issue. This is where I let it all fly. And its "just my opinion" but usually,if one is insulted or offened,then they are who and what Im blogging about....
The Wit and Wisdom of Teenage Girls...they know,like,EVERYTHING! Like ya know.....
I'm standing in line in a Wet Seal Dept. Store at the Concord Mills Mall of I 85,near the Motor Speedway,Christmas shopping for my wife and daughters.---What the name of this speedway is this month,I dont know,but it is North Carolina's heavenly Mecca for all that is NASCAR. A quick BTW here---NASCAR is NOT a "SPORT,"its a "spectator event." Most race car drivers are ASSHOLES and really dont want to be celebrities,but dont mind getting rich as hell off endorsements,that is if they are the top 5 or 6,7 or 8 drivers that are well known,and win far above the average than the rest.I dont know why the other 30 or so drivers even bother to show up.But anyway,back to the "wit and wisdom of teenage girls." First I would like to apologize to ALL SOCIETY for wearing a pair of broken eyeglasses for a few days until I got another pair,that particular Christmas season. Believe me I was well aware of the fact that they were broken without all you perfect people out there seemed to take note of. Im just so sorry for inconveniencing you all in some way.But IF you all would learn to----"mind your own fucking business,"----and know that I could easily point out your many flaws as well,but dont,this whole world would be a far better place to be. It seems that minding your own business has fell out of fashion these days,and just look around at the results. Contrary to what you might believe,TMZ,MTV,Jackass, and all these "reality" TV shows that humiliate people on a regular basis is created by a bunch immature imbeciles who have extreme mental issues of their own.So it comes as know surprise when the two teenage snots standing behind me made this comment to another----and I quote,"You can tell if someone is poor, because they cant afford laser eye surgery" the other snotbitch sneered. This was in reference to my eyeglasses,which they of course noticed,taped on the side with electrical tape to hold them together. Well of course,by what the snotty teenage bitches said in the standards of what these two twits see on MTV, TMZ and all these shitty "reality shows," they could be seen as having sound wisdom,and being right,even politically correct in some way. I stood there and said nothing....which is shocking. All these little snotnosed princesses need a good dose of humble pie.But Im not holding my breath.Our society seems to worship snot nosed teenage girls,and "debu-celebs" who are pushing 30 but still behave like teenage snotnoses. I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS----point out that BILL GATES wears eyeglasses,a pioneer,philanthropist,business leader,and multibazillionaire,yet he wears eyeglasses. Warren Buffet,same credentials,wears eyeglasses. They have not had the HOT NEW laser eye surgery so they can look "cool" without glasses,because they dont need try to look hot so that some damn boy will find them attractive and might date them,maybe even marry them one day.But then, would these two damn snotnosed teenage hags even know who the hell these two men even are???I doubt it.Most of them have parents who give them money just to get rid of them themselves,keep them out of their hair, so they can pursue their pill popping,drunkened lifestyles themselves. I bet they know who that imbecile Paris Hilton is,I bet they know who that idiot Lindsay Lohan is. I bet they know everything but what the hell they're talkng about. But I said nothing. If this offends you,you are exactly what Im talking about. Next time I WILL point out YOUR flaws. You are warned.......
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Living in the past..... The first day of school....
Im often accused of "living in the past" if I mention past things. If anyone else mentions their "past,"or "the past," or "a past--" why,their just "remeniscing" But me? Im "living in the past" and Im supposed to drop it (mine) and forget about it. Meanwhile everyone elses past is highly signifigant and I better "learn from it" or "respect theirs more over my own" because of many differing reasons. A good example is this one---I recently told my ex wife that I had recently reconnected with an old Navy buddy on Facebook,and asked her if she remembered him,to which her reply was that she "left that life behind 25 years ago." A simple question,but her response was predictable,she was basically telling me to "quit living in the past." Meanwhile,on Facebook,she is reconnecting with all in her own past. Im to be ashamed of mine,hers was glorious. You get the picture.....But I never will forget the first day of school. Though I was born in Asheville NC on August 17th 1965, My mother and father found themselves living in Salisbury NC by the time this day came. I was 6 years old in September of 1971,and I was exited about going to school. I had a Snoopy Lunch Box. I knew I was to wait for bus number 112. My bus driver was a pretty brunette,a senior in high school,because in those days high school students drove the school buses. She was nice to me. Finding a seat was one of the first experiences I had with what I would come to know as, and we all know as----- ASSHOLES. The bus driver and this guy had me sit with him behind her as she drove. I was a little saddened but not really put out about it,I already knew that people and kids could be rather unfriendly,so I wasnt going to let it bother me. I was going to school!!!What an adventure!!!.......When I got to J.F. Hurley Elementary,I was greeted by my teacher and we settled into class. My last name begins with a "Y" ---"Young" By the end of the day,that first day of school I learned one thing.... I was always LAST.The end of the line. The "last in line," the last to do anything,the last to get to where we were going,the last to get what we were getting.....but the FIRST to know there was no one behind me. At the end of the school day...I was the last one.My place in this world,ever since then,is to be last.From that first day I was programmed to wait until all others got there before I did. I would always go to the back of the room,the back of the bus,wait til others ate,wait til others were served,wait til others had theirs. One day,it was in the 4th grade,someone mentioned that "Butch always has to be last,he never complains,maybe just for today,HE should be the first in line for lunch!!!" the teacher agreed,and let me be first in line. It was all I could do not to cry,but I held it in. It was so weird being the first in line.And soon my day was over. To this day,I still do this. I go to the back of the room,I wait for others,I stand off,I try not to get in the way. Now,understand this,Im not shy or am I quiet or introverted or unsocial because of it,In fact it made me realize I had to pipe up and toot my own horn,and with moving from school to school,place to place,I had to be a more socially aggressive person. But I never forgot that first day....the last one. It still haunts me to this day. I 'm still programmed in very dangerous ways because of it.My lack of a "career" or a life work shows this very well. Im always last.Im not hard to find. I remember the mothers of the other kids would bring only so much of the sweets,cookies and treats during that year,they only made enough for 22-25 kids,and only a few of the mothers would bring anything at all,mine NEVER did this,and when the goodies were passed out---in alphabetical order,of course--- there was nothing for me. I just smiled and said I understood in my own six year old way,but inside,I was deeply hurt,and,well I just had to accept it. I was already programmed to just let it go. I remember the silence that would fall,all eyes on me as everyone realized I only got crumbs...I think it wouldve been better had they went on and never noticed,because I dont they really gave a shit anyway...maybe a moment of thinking to themselves what a sad---or funny---situation I was in.....sometimes I think of this. When Im alone at work,when it comes crashing down and I remember just why I am the way I am. But then I should just stop living in the past........
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