Friday, November 20, 2009

The Shroud of Turin....for the THOUSANTH TIME

OK kiddies---seems we've overlooked a detail in the Shroud of Turin. Seem that maybe "J.C." had his name wrote on his blankie. There seems to be a verification signature in the shroud. Look my little dears,it doesnt matter whether the shroud is real,or not. Doesnt matter if it from the medieval era or the Roman era. If the shroud means something to you,thats fine. if it means nothing to you,thats great too. But what Im getting tired of is the FACT that both sides of the issue cant really prove one damn thing either way. And THATS whats getting annoying. Even if Jesus' shroud is found to be "THE ONE" your still going to have your skeptics. Even if it is found to be 100 % to be a forgery,youre still going to have the believers willing ti go to war or a crusade to prove youre an heretic. The best thing that should have happened to the shroud is for it to have burned in the fire a few hundred years ago. Im not sure if Jesus would like it very much if all of Christianity would hinge,rise or fall on the blanket he was wrapped in after he was brutally murdered would be something he'd want to be a holy relic. Do you like seeing the car a relative died in? Of course not. This issue is another thing thats blown WAAAAAAAYYYYY OUT of PROPORTION,because theres NO WAY anyone will know the truth and facts pro or con. Meanwhile,pieces of the "bonafide, 100 % real splinters, of THE CROSS he was nailed too, is available in Israeli gift shops. And the Virgin Mary has been seen in a peice of toast,on the side of a building after a window washer didnt clean it very well---and all this is true. Piss them off and they have never stopped short anything to FORCE you to believe it. Just read the history....... The Shroud of year they'll find his nail clippers.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Central Casting for a Job.....

Employers dont "hire" employees,they "CAST" employees. It does not matter how well,how long,how experienced,your expertise,your knowledge,how ambitious,you are and do your job. Its doesnt matter. What your employer is looking for is an actor or actress that will do as much for as little as possible,yet expect you to perform at Oscar level at all times. They expect you to act and behave for the job(acting) what to say on the job,(scripting) get the point. Just a thought for the day..................

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Right to PEACEBLY Assemble... Part 2

Now that you have come to realize that gangs--are ALL criminally motivated,and are basically allowed to do whatever they want to do because they hide behind the guise of having the right to assemble---after having trimmed the "Peacebly" out.Gangs have become folk heroes in Hollywood movie plots,romanticing their "plight" while ignoring the fact their lifestyles are not glamourous and heroic,but crime ridden filth and drug related violence,death and murder.So with Hollywood,another filthy sewer where thing are confounded and confused,and the fact that we are too weal to stop it, works because we are no longer willing and capable of enforcing our laws. We will spend billions killing gangs overseas,and do nothing here.This is how fucked and how far gone we are. Now,.... Illegal Aliens are criminals right off the bat. We can call them many things to try to soften the impact,at first it was "illegal aliens" then it was"migrant workers" all kinds of euphemisms to mask the criminality,and now,just ask the Bank of America,who affectionately call them "New Customers,"and mask the fact that ALL illegals roaming around OUR NATION, and ANY and ALL NATIONS for whatever reason,of ANY and ALL races,religions---are CRIMINALS. Now the Liberal idiots who are in firm control over this in our nation, who help confound and confuse the issue by masking the invasion by completely circumventing the laws,distorting historical facts through the DISEASE called "Political Correctness" which is the same vehicle of thought the Bolsheviks,a gang, used to bring Russia down in the early 20th century.Russia wasnt perfect but you get the point.By completley ignoring the laws and customs,if not wiping their asses with it, have been successful to the point where it makes any military invasion seem like a weekend camping trip. In WWII, there was only some several hundred thousand men who went ashore in Normandy to stop a gang,the Nazis,from continuing their crimes. This was not "US aggression,"this was a matter of survival. If you disagree with this,YOU are part of the problem. YOU are an imbecile.The Tet offensive,launched by another gang,the Viet Cong,successfully regained control---basically--- of Vietnam in 1968 with just 80,000 troops. The American PIGS who allowed illegals in by breaking the laws to get them here,plus there human traffickers in Mexico---their OWN PEOPLE--- have managed to invade our nation with 20 MILLION and more,over a period of time.----20 MILLION---compared to just a few hundred thousand, to go ashore at Normandy,compared with 80,000 communists who "re-took Vietnam" in 1968. 20 MILLION ----AT LEAST.Mexico---with the help of too manyAmerican Pig Big Business,and Corporate Empires, have invaded your nation while you were told you "were too lazy to do the jobs" that they replaced YOU(WE) for,and YOU(WE)--- THANKED THEM--- FOR IT,becuase you(we) didnt want to appear to be "racist and intolerant," Can you imagine if a Military Commander or Dictator had that kind of force???Do you realize what Adolf Hitler would have done with just 50,000 Nazis in our borders in 1940? Ever thought for one minute of your sleepy little lives that all Hugo Chavez,or any futuer Central or South American Dictator has to do is yell "Viva La Revoluccione!"and arm about 1 or 2 hundred thousand of these illegals,just 1 or 2 hundredthousand------already on the ground,85 % of them males,men who dont give a fluffy fuck about anything but slurping off of America,already in the U.S.,illegals who wipe their asses on us,usurp our services,all in the guise of the "oppurtunity for a better life" and when these parasites drain their hosts, as Mexicans simply are---Parasites,they'll go right back to that desert shithole and live like roaches when America falls. But also,And I want this to be CRYSTAL CLEAR,that it doesnt matter what race,religion, or nation they are from,whether or not its even Americans who live in other nations illegally--are CRIMINALS. Anyone living in any nation illegally are CRIMINALS. Now I already know what you Liberal Horseshitketeers are going to TRY to do---but here comes your education and why you people are a bunch of morons. We ---DO NOT--- LIVE IN A "NATION of IMMIGRANTS" WE--the United States of America--is now and has been for over 200 years a SOVEREIGN---ESTABLISHED----NATION. We have Laws and Rules. If another wave of European "immigrants" all the sudden came to live here and the scene was repeated as it was during the mass immigrations of the late 19th century---Sorry,but if they live here illegally,they would be criminals. The difference and let this be CRYSTAL CLEAR---is that those immigrants came over here to BE AMERICANS,they came to BECOME CITIZENS. Most Mexicans---the vast majority of the invasionary force,is here to wipe his ass on you,he has NO GOD DAMNED INTENTION of ever becoming a citizen--but he WILL DAMN SURE EXPECT,DEMAND and RECIEVE ALL---EVERY---AND ANY BENEFIT from this nation,while YOUR RIGHTS and BENEFITS DWINDLE and SHRINK---and YOU (WE) WILL lick the corn from his shit. We WILL THANK HIM FOR IT......we dont want to appear to be racist and intolerant,now do we?An American will sell his daughters ass if it meant he wouldnt be seen as being a racist or intolerant.The next thing your liberal ass wiped mind will try to use to confound the issue is bring up what "we" did to the Indians,ooops the "Native Americans" who,as it turns out,came from somewhere else,and as the research goes deeper,that EUROPEAN DNA is PART of the ancient Native American population. America,the North American continent,being separated by two vast oceans was destined to be the place people "found" rather than "sprang up from." Here's what the liberal mind is incapable of grasping. Its a simple definition. An "immigrant" is born in one place,and moves to another. An "immigrant" goes through the lawful channels of his natural soil to leave,and does what it takes to become a productive CITIZEN of the nation he moves too.An illegal Alien does NONE of these things. They circumvent the law to usurp and use the system to their advantage,just like cancer,just like a parasite. Now the Native Americans often get this dewey eyed reverence for being fucked over by the whites,or by "Americans". The FACT is,that Native Americans were NOT a unified NATION,but THOUSANDS of loosely knitted tribes. There was NO NATION,on the North,Central or South American Continent,that grew to govern much more than something the size of Texas long enough to become an established sovereign nation, that was civilized in the terms weve all already deemed necessary to be in one.Native Americans HELPED EUROPEAN-----EUROPEAN-----settlers and explorers settle and clear the land of their enemies---other Indian tribes. Indians gleefully helped the first EURO conquerors kill their rival tribes,and subsequently themselves, off. Remember "AMERICA" did ---NOT EXIST---until roughly and crudely as a nation until at least 1776,some 300 years later,after the Euros began coming back to the continent---AGAIN.The Vikings before Columbus,and well before this it is being found that Europeans were here during the last Ice Age. What the liberal propaganda machine of PC has been too successful at doing, is saying that "WE" killed off the Indians. No "WE" didnt. This issue was a sad and unfortunate event in American history,but the forces were too far in motion before it was realized what wrongs have been done. But WE did not do this. This happened LONG before WE were even born,now. Its OVER---ITS DONE. No one alive today in the U.S. has killed a Native American and taken his land. This is FINISHED. Making people feel guilty fior things theyve never done is surprisingly highly successful for the Liberal/Communist agenda. It makes people ashamed, and immobilizes them against the propaganda of Liberal PC Lying Machines. They can bring MORE Mexicans in, because people living today in America are the ones who are now guilty and ashamed of something they've never done:Take something from a native people.There are TWO ILLEGAL and SUBVERSIVE anti-Constitutional forces at work here in the U.S. Illegal Immigrants DO NOT have the right to ASSEMBLE FOR ANY REASON. They are not supposed to be able to stage public protests,demonstrations,or MARCH on US streets. Gangs are not supposed to be allowed to exist. Its so bad that TV shows crop up everywhere on almost all channels to try to expose them,but it only helps them. Gangs and Illegal Criminals are NOT a positive part of a Civilized Nation. The proliferation of gangs and illegal aliens are the signal of DOWNFALL for a nation,any nation. It works far better than a military invasion,involving much larger numbers of invaders,infiltrators,subversive allies from the inside,over a longer period of time so that the population doesnt realize whats going on.Now go back to your sleepy liitle life. But I know you wont forget this.More to come.

The Right To PEACEBLY Assemble.

Most Americans dont seem to understand their own rights. Being too concerned with Lindsay Lohans latest crotch shots,having a huge plasma TV,watching Nancy Grace,and extremists like Rush Limbaugh,Rosie O'Donnell,Anne Coulter,and other far right or far left nutjobs that our country is basically a battlefield for,and wondering if the next job they get will allow them to continue their lifestyles of gluttony.So,they just dont have the time to see what is happening around them. Like I've said,they dont even know theres a war going on unless they have a relative in it. But when asked,most Americans know what to say at the right time so they dont appear to be out of the loop. "We support our troops" is something they know how to say at the right time,along with other euphemisms so they dont appear intolerant or racist,when in fact 99.9999999999999999999999% of Americans are nothing but intolerant racists,they just know what and what not to say at the right time. Get them in private and its a different thing all together. I can be honest,thought,I NEVER say anything about anyone I wouldnt say to their faces. Most Americans are too thick headed to grasp the "Right To Assemble," to them,obviously,thats as far as it goes. Even Law Enforcement is befuddled and confused about it. It reads---"The Right to Peacebly-----PEACEBLY-----Assemble." This means that NO ONE has the right to assemble to concieve,plan and commit crimes. We do not have the right to assemble to threaten,intimidate or humiliate others. So who is in violation??? One of the First and formost groups are gangs. Criminally or socially active gangs DO NOT have a right to exist. Our nation is not set up on wolfpack mentalities. Gangs are paramilitary,anti-Constitutional terror cells. They are ALL criminally motivated to circumvent the system by criminal motivations.This makes them subversive and this makes them the "Domestic Enemy" within our borders,to our state.Men and Women,Boys and Girls,who roam around in packs(gangs) are cowardly,weak and timid people,insecure and damn near worthless as individuals,so they pack up like animals for protection. Then they become a problem. They are required by their pack structure to commit crime and be violent---always wanting "respect" they dont remotely deserve. They simply are not or never will be capable of ever remotely comprehending that respect is something you earn,and not an entitlement because your part of a pack of inhuman,ignorant beasts.(Gangs) Law Enforcement is part of the problem. They fail to TREAT gangs as the paramiltary terrorist cells that they are,being confounded and confused about just what the right to assemble peacebly truly means. Well,it means what I just said--NO ONE has the right to assemble to commit crimes. ALL GANGS are criminally motivated and exist ONLY to commit crimes. DO NOT attempt to try to confound and confuse the issue with comparisons like,the US Army is a "gang" if you "think about it" or a "rock group is a gang if you think about it..." Or whatever they call the shit people listen to these days. This whole criminal element has a soundtrack,called rap and hip hop music that is very active in promoting criminal behaviour. It is one of the most successful mind washes and brain fucks in human history. Just ask your white son or daughter,they dont know what they are,but they think theyre black---but do nothing---its too late,it far too gone,---over---for anyone to stop now. You dont want to appear to be "racist" or intolerant,would you? The second group who do not not have the right to assemble in the United States are Illegal Aliens---ooops I meant "migrant workers" or if you reaqlly want the complete load of PC horseshit,do what that incredibly stupid organization called the "Bank of America" called them ---"New Customers" and all thos new customers damn near brought that bunch of pigs,the Bank of America,to its knees because these wonderful illegals didnt pay hardly a dime of the hundreds of billions that was handed to them back. This and more will be in the second installment.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

This is where I let it out...and it aint pretty.....

There are a few post sites I enjoy going to because they generally keep things on the "cool side" Usually a quick, friendly place where you make a few comments,but nothing heavy or emotionally,or politically controversial.....usually. When I post on these sites,its usually pretty benign. But ALL POST SITES exist to gather info. what people are saying. Its well beyond a conspiracy theory,its what they do. They get an idea for how people feel,and lots of info can,and IS GATHERED from the most benign and trivial of conversations. But when I blog here,I tell exactly what I think without any reservations or attempts to mask any issue. This is where I let it all fly. And its "just my opinion" but usually,if one is insulted or offened,then they are who and what Im blogging about....

The Wit and Wisdom of Teenage Girls...they know,like,EVERYTHING! Like ya know.....

I'm standing in line in a Wet Seal Dept. Store at the Concord Mills Mall of I 85,near the Motor Speedway,Christmas shopping for my wife and daughters.---What the name of this speedway is this month,I dont know,but it is North Carolina's heavenly Mecca for all that is NASCAR. A quick BTW here---NASCAR is NOT a "SPORT,"its a "spectator event." Most race car drivers are ASSHOLES and really dont want to be celebrities,but dont mind getting rich as hell off endorsements,that is if they are the top 5 or 6,7 or 8 drivers that are well known,and win far above the average than the rest.I dont know why the other 30 or so drivers even bother to show up.But anyway,back to the "wit and wisdom of teenage girls." First I would like to apologize to ALL SOCIETY for wearing a pair of broken eyeglasses for a few days until I got another pair,that particular Christmas season. Believe me I was well aware of the fact that they were broken without all you perfect people out there seemed to take note of. Im just so sorry for inconveniencing you all in some way.But IF you all would learn to----"mind your own fucking business,"----and know that I could easily point out your many flaws as well,but dont,this whole world would be a far better place to be. It seems that minding your own business has fell out of fashion these days,and just look around at the results. Contrary to what you might believe,TMZ,MTV,Jackass, and all these "reality" TV shows that humiliate people on a regular basis is created by a bunch immature imbeciles who have extreme mental issues of their own.So it comes as know surprise when the two teenage snots standing behind me made this comment to another----and I quote,"You can tell if someone is poor, because they cant afford laser eye surgery" the other snotbitch sneered. This was in reference to my eyeglasses,which they of course noticed,taped on the side with electrical tape to hold them together. Well of course,by what the snotty teenage bitches said in the standards of what these two twits see on MTV, TMZ and all these shitty "reality shows," they could be seen as having sound wisdom,and being right,even politically correct in some way. I stood there and said nothing....which is shocking. All these little snotnosed princesses need a good dose of humble pie.But Im not holding my breath.Our society seems to worship snot nosed teenage girls,and "debu-celebs" who are pushing 30 but still behave like teenage snotnoses. I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS----point out that BILL GATES wears eyeglasses,a pioneer,philanthropist,business leader,and multibazillionaire,yet he wears eyeglasses. Warren Buffet,same credentials,wears eyeglasses. They have not had the HOT NEW laser eye surgery so they can look "cool" without glasses,because they dont need try to look hot so that some damn boy will find them attractive and might date them,maybe even marry them one day.But then, would these two damn snotnosed teenage hags even know who the hell these two men even are???I doubt it.Most of them have parents who give them money just to get rid of them themselves,keep them out of their hair, so they can pursue their pill popping,drunkened lifestyles themselves. I bet they know who that imbecile Paris Hilton is,I bet they know who that idiot Lindsay Lohan is. I bet they know everything but what the hell they're talkng about. But I said nothing. If this offends you,you are exactly what Im talking about. Next time I WILL point out YOUR flaws. You are warned.......

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Living in the past..... The first day of school....

Im often accused of "living in the past" if I mention past things. If anyone else mentions their "past,"or "the past," or "a past--" why,their just "remeniscing" But me? Im "living in the past" and Im supposed to drop it (mine) and forget about it. Meanwhile everyone elses past is highly signifigant and I better "learn from it" or "respect theirs more over my own" because of many differing reasons. A good example is this one---I recently told my ex wife that I had recently reconnected with an old Navy buddy on Facebook,and asked her if she remembered him,to which her reply was that she "left that life behind 25 years ago." A simple question,but her response was predictable,she was basically telling me to "quit living in the past." Meanwhile,on Facebook,she is reconnecting with all in her own past. Im to be ashamed of mine,hers was glorious. You get the picture.....But I never will forget the first day of school. Though I was born in Asheville NC on August 17th 1965, My mother and father found themselves living in Salisbury NC by the time this day came. I was 6 years old in September of 1971,and I was exited about going to school. I had a Snoopy Lunch Box. I knew I was to wait for bus number 112. My bus driver was a pretty brunette,a senior in high school,because in those days high school students drove the school buses. She was nice to me. Finding a seat was one of the first experiences I had with what I would come to know as, and we all know as----- ASSHOLES. The bus driver and this guy had me sit with him behind her as she drove. I was a little saddened but not really put out about it,I already knew that people and kids could be rather unfriendly,so I wasnt going to let it bother me. I was going to school!!!What an adventure!!!.......When I got to J.F. Hurley Elementary,I was greeted by my teacher and we settled into class. My last name begins with a "Y" ---"Young" By the end of the day,that first day of school I learned one thing.... I was always LAST.The end of the line. The "last in line," the last to do anything,the last to get to where we were going,the last to get what we were getting.....but the FIRST to know there was no one behind me. At the end of the school day...I was the last one.My place in this world,ever since then,is to be last.From that first day I was programmed to wait until all others got there before I did. I would always go to the back of the room,the back of the bus,wait til others ate,wait til others were served,wait til others had theirs. One day,it was in the 4th grade,someone mentioned that "Butch always has to be last,he never complains,maybe just for today,HE should be the first in line for lunch!!!" the teacher agreed,and let me be first in line. It was all I could do not to cry,but I held it in. It was so weird being the first in line.And soon my day was over. To this day,I still do this. I go to the back of the room,I wait for others,I stand off,I try not to get in the way. Now,understand this,Im not shy or am I quiet or introverted or unsocial because of it,In fact it made me realize I had to pipe up and toot my own horn,and with moving from school to school,place to place,I had to be a more socially aggressive person. But I never forgot that first day....the last one. It still haunts me to this day. I 'm still programmed in very dangerous ways because of it.My lack of a "career" or a life work shows this very well. Im always last.Im not hard to find. I remember the mothers of the other kids would bring only so much of the sweets,cookies and treats during that year,they only made enough for 22-25 kids,and only a few of the mothers would bring anything at all,mine NEVER did this,and when the goodies were passed out---in alphabetical order,of course--- there was nothing for me. I just smiled and said I understood in my own six year old way,but inside,I was deeply hurt,and,well I just had to accept it. I was already programmed to just let it go. I remember the silence that would fall,all eyes on me as everyone realized I only got crumbs...I think it wouldve been better had they went on and never noticed,because I dont they really gave a shit anyway...maybe a moment of thinking to themselves what a sad---or funny---situation I was in.....sometimes I think of this. When Im alone at work,when it comes crashing down and I remember just why I am the way I am. But then I should just stop living in the past........

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Have you ever noticed this,too.....

Our telescopes and our space satellites and telescopes can "see" and object Billions and Trillions of miles away.To narrow this down---our equipment can detect a small planetoid named "Sedna,"a body of spherical icy rock smaller than our moon, at the edge of our Solar System.This is the equivalent of being able to stand on the observation deck of the Empire State Building and see clearly a beach ball on the beach in California.Whats more,is that all these space probes can be guided to Jupiter and beyond. with just a handful of desk top computers,a distance of almost half a billion miles and much ,much more,whereas it took warehouses full of computers to put a man on the moon,a mere 248,000 miles,in the 1960's.In less than 40 years, we have shrunk technology down to this astonishing capability. This is the equivalent of dropping a golf ball on the ground in New York,and guiding it flawlessy to Los Angeles with no more of a start that simply putting the ball and controlling the roll all the way there.....yet we cant cure diseases. Jonas Salk "cured" Polio,but all but NONE have been "cured" yet. You might say that this two different types of science,two different disciplines of the process,and thats true. But if you can do the before mentioned,and If a disease can be cured that has the same properties as countless others,then why WON'T they cure disease? If you can create and instrument that can travel TRILLIONS of miles,OPERATE it from BILLIONS of miles away,surely you can repair the human body.You should be able to stop most diseases.If you can navigate a craft TRILLIONS of miles through space,then you ought to be able to fix a few thousand miles of veins and arteries.If you can see objects TRILLIONS of miles away,you should be able to "see"cancers in their EARLIEST stages.Again---I KNOW Im painting with broad strokes,but its odd that we can ALSO trace THE VERY COW to the VERY ONE that started "Mad Cow" disease, but we cant find Osama Bin Laden. We say we can do all these things,but in reality it falls far short of the mark we are capable of. I firmly believe that when Jonas Salk cured Polio,someone must've made it clear to him NOT to do that again..........

Have you ever noticed this......

In America,and for the rest of the world as well,but lets just say---In America---we have 100 kinds of soft drinks and soda pop,100 kinds of Potato Chips,1000 brands and flavors of Coffee,100 brands of Beer,100 brands of Cigarettes,100 brands of Candy Bars----hell we have about 100 brands of EVERYTHING---but only ONE WAY--- just ONE WAY--- to run our cars.And thats our dependency on Oil Products. I know I'm painting with a broad stroke here,but there is only gasoline and deisel to power our vehicles---thats about it.Electric Hybrids are still 10 years away. Think about it though---for the most part in our everyday lives we have 100's of choices for everything except power. This is who is in charge.Not our Morals,not our Laws,but the one who holds that monopoly in our day to day lives.........

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Barack Obama......

He was just handed the Nobel Peace Prize,and EVERYBODY is scratching their heads.This is a National WHAT THE FUCK moment.So momentous,that I decided to spell out WHAT THE FUCK,instead of the usual WTF.But Barack Obama also won Miss USA and Miss Universe and the Heisman Trophy.Next week,he will be given the World Series Championship and will be the winner of Superbowl 44 and get a Superbowl Ring,this winter.He will also recieve an Oscar,a Tony and an Emmy Award....hell why not. Lets give him the Stanley Cup and the World Sumo Wrestling Championship,too.How,oh How, oh how, oh how, in the great green giggling FUCK do you win a Nobel PEACE Prize when you are in charge of a nation that is at war. No sorry,we are not "at war"--- that way when these 100's of thousands of Veterans need Medical care the Government can fuck them out of it by saying they werent "really" in a war,because that ended in 2004,so.....sorry.Of which Veterans are already telling the tales.Only Kim ILL Jong is more heavily showered with such blubbering worship and adoration.Next they'll be telling us that Obama Created the question mark,lit the sun and has found the same 2 snowflakes ----twice---- on both Polar Ice Caps. Who the hell is Chuck Norris??? Next thing you know it will be revealed that Obama is Batman,Superman and Pluto Nash. Anyone who doesnt WORSHIP our GLORIOUS LEADER is a racist.IF YOU DONT WANT TO ALLOW FOR ALL THIS PRAISE AND DEWEY EYED WORSHIP HEAPED UPON THE WORLDS MOST PERFECT HUMAN BEING,then you're a skinheaded Nazi Klansman who steals candy from little babies.....wait a minute,this just came in---oh yeah,it has been revealed that Barack Obama IS the MESSIAH!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Hillbilly Warlord's Public Safety Announcement No.4

This is not only for America,but for the world.Within the hour,on this day,we will be "BOMBING" the MOON. I want all you terrorists and Idiots like Hugo Chavez,Kim ILL Jong and Achmejinjead to think about this for a moment.I want all those who bash America to think about this for a moment. We---America---can target a place almost 249,000 miles away with precision down to the SQUARE INCH,with our weaponry. IF we ever decide to take this planet over,it will be OURS inside of a week,maybe two. WE decimated the worlds FOURTH largest army in 1992 in just over 4DAYS. Bombing these pissant countries that are BEGGING for it should see it this way.America is SO POWERFUL and YET....YET we DONT do what we could do,maybe SHOULD do like our world order predecessors like the British Empire,Rome,Greece any time in history where a nation dominated the known world WOULD have done in a heartbeat had they had just HALF the power we possess. If Adolf Hitler had just a fration of we have wed all be "sprechen de deutch" right now.... BUT we dont. And dont hand me this "Invading Iraq or Afghanistan song and dance.WE NEED stability in that region,WE MUST have a STRONG force and presence in that region if you want to drive a car,have all the material goods and services and technologies, and enjoy a standard of living above the third world way of life. Think about it.....

The "Real Americans" Part 3

"Real American" Mark Sanford just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what I was blogging about.Mark Sanford is the Governor of South Carolina,and has recently been embroiled in an extra marital affair. The Governors' driver was SPEEDING at 85 MPH,was pulled over by a South Carolina State Trooper,and WAS NOT ticketed. You see---"Real Americans" like Mark Sanford---are allowed to shit on the law any time they please. There is law FOR the rich,powerful and famous---the "real Americans" the only ones who really count---and theres law AGAINST the rest of us,who PAY for the PIGS like Mark Sanford,a "real American" to do what ever the fuck he wants to do. Senator Lauch Faircloth of North Carolina was allowed to shit on the law some years back,when the North Carolina State Trooper broke the law by allowing the Senator to speed and failed to ticket the Senator for breaking the law.----THIS is "THE PROBLEM"----with our country.The rich,powerful and famous can shit on the law when they want to,the rest of us had better adhere to it.The "real Americans" are allowed to break rules and laws.This is NO PROBLEM for them, like Vice President Dead Eye Dick Cheney,who shot a man,and didnt have to tell his boss,the President of the United Satates of America until some 24 hous AFTER the shooting,deemed a "hunting accident" after a day of drunkiness and hunting.Dick Cheney---who actually RULED this country for some years basically told the President,George W. Bush, that there wasnt anything that would be done about breaking laws that were broken. George Bush was basically Dead Eye Dicks Bitch so NOTHING came of it. Dick Cheney has SHIT on so many Laws, Customs and rules of this country,has avoided scrutiny over his MANY CRIMES---MANY TIMES---Why???? Becuase hes a "real American" hes the elite PIG types that are in charge. And he,and Mark Sanford and Lauch Faircloth and the rest have this to say to you----"FUCK YOU,America." And you know what we'll do about it.Nothing.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The "Real Americans" Part 2

So,its these "real Americans" that basically cause the problems.They've got us mad at the illegals they've brought in,mad at the Taliban who flew our own planes into their towers...its this greedy pigpen of "real American" elitists,Liberal and/or Conservative,and their puppet politicians,and their corrupt,filthy corporate empires that put this country deep into debt,that has destroyed the American middle class,that sent jobs overseas and over the border,so its "real Americans" who have helped MILLIONS of ILLEGALS into this country,because these "real Americans" dont want to pay their fellow countrymen,---The "other" Americans,--- a gainful,decent wage for a good standard of living.It these real Americans,who say their fellow Americans are "too lazy" to do certain jobs,so they have to break the law to have a disposable illegal workforce.It "real Americans" who ran their own banks into the ground and into bankruptcy,Its "real Americans" who ran their own corporations into bankruptcy,and these same "real Americans" knew before hand,they knew as they were fucking the shit out of their own country that they would be able to get the vast majoroity of the"other" American people,who had nothing to do and is not at fault with this latest round of filthy corruption---to PAY for their filthy corruption and greed.You might say that "well these are the people that give us jobs" Well folks,they arent even doing that, now.Its "real Americans" who make these idiotic,absurd,ass kissing,ball licking foriegn trade agreements.Its the "real Americans" who are allowed to bend,even break laws to do as they please.Its the "real Americans" who reinterpret our Constitution.our Laws.Our Customs.Our Traditions,our Rules---to fit their own filthy greed and corrupt agendas.These "real Americans" these Elite PIGS,no longer think of themselves as Americans but as "Citizens of the Global World." They dont "live" in America, America is a place that makes them rich off the honest working tax payers,richer off the backs of their disposable illegal work force,too.Yet these same PIGS,these elite "real Americans" DEMAND and RECIEVE all benefits and profit from being an American without giving anything back,or as little as possible.Then,theyDEMAND and GET the highest standards of living while shitting on this nation every chance they get,denying and bashing their own nation to save face from their Global buddies.When do we wage war on the people who actually hurt us???Instead they have us mad at the other parts of the world.It deflects the REAL problems,and that the "real American PIG." A man from Iran has never done anything to me personally.A man from Afghanistan,either.But if we are not going to wipe Islam off the face of the world,if we are not going to actually SOLVE solvable problems with reasonable solutions,then all this shit is just going to go on and on and on.If we treated the Nazis as gingerly and as daintily and as PUSSIFIED as we treat Islamic terrorism,then we owe Germany a HUGE apology.As long as the "real Americans" continue to be able to keep us off the trail,NOTHING is solved.The PROBLEM is "real Americans" the greedy,corrupt PIGS that have way too much power in this nation."Real Americans" who now think our American way of life is hokey and antiquated.Who scoff at our system. The US Constitution is the GREATEST piece of documentation for the liberty of people.Our laws are sound and just.Our customs and rules and traditions are for the pursuit of happiness and for freedom.Its NOT AMERICA that is the problem---the problem is this small group "real Americans" these PIGS,this SWINE----that is.

The "Real Americans"

You will see me write this down from time to time,my reference to the "real Americans." This is how I see them,the real Americans."Real Americans" work 9 to 5,Monday through Friday.Taking time off from work,and/or this schedule to do the things you need to do is not a problem.You will still have your job.You will have attended some college at least,and maybe an Ivy League University.You will have at least one degree in your field,if not more.Your 9 to 5 job pays you very well.Being a "real American" makes about 70 thou-plus- per year.If youre marreid to a spouse who is equal in this stature and status,your income is almost doubled.You can have your holidays and weekends off to do as you will with your family and maybe your friends,because they too are as wonderful as you are.You will not have to beg,or trade off to get a holiday off.You can go to your doctor anytime,hell, you golf with the son-of-a-bitch.If you get cancer all will be done to get you through it.Because you have your weekends off,you can attend church,and wonder why others cant attend church.But by god, your favorite restaurant better by god be open with a hot meal the minute you stop shaking the preachers hand,huh?You probably have employees.People you pay as little as you possibly can and demand them to do things you wont do yourself for as little as you possibly get by with.It doesnt make one good god damn to you that you have one person doing the work of 3 people for minimum wage,after all you gave them a spiffy title..."associate"....right? Why should they complain?? And if this fall through,why you can get illegals to do it too.These are the "real" Americans. More to come......

General George S. Patton........

It should come as no surprise that one of my heroes is General George S. Patton,one of the most brilliant military commanders the world has ever known.There is a particular style I try to emulate when I write,blog,anything I do.And this is wording things I want you to remember,and so,like General Patton,when I "want it to stick,I give to 'em hard and dirty,that way they'll remember." Thats why you will see me go along as clean as can be and then I'll add "fluffy fuck" into the mix.Those that read my blogs or other writings often want to know why I can be so "foul" or mess it up by throwing these things in.Its just remember my harshness far more than the good.You cant get it out of your head,and I know it.When I write something,I already know the arguments,what is coming,and what questions will be asked.I control the conversation unless a better point is made or its something I dont know about.I do not watch what I say around people.I say what I feel and call it as I see it,no matter how insensitive it might be.However,there are places where such is not allowed.And I respect the rules of places that arent mine.It is there where I will not say anything at all.You will never read anything I write that I wouldnt say to someones face.And when I want you to remember,I'll give it to you hard and dirty....Because life is hard and dirty.Anyone who says different is trying to screw you out of something.

A day at the office......

According to the "Brochure to America," just before you get to the section where the "streets are paved with gold" and it "rains Champagne and cherry flavored bubbles" and "food and money grow on trees," you will find a section where it says that ALL Americans are wealthy,healthy,rich and have EVERY weekend off,EVERY holiday off,and we ALL "work in an office" from a cushy 9 AM to 5PM. You see,according to all media outlets Americans---well the "real Americans--the only segment that really counts"---works in an office. Well, a friend of mine was fucking a woman who worked in an office some years ago. I asked him what she did there,and he said he "really didnt know" and whats more,he saidhe "didnt think SHE really knew,either." Interesting. HMMM. So I asked for more details, and here's what he told me..."she is some sort of a 'consultant' and she goes in around 9,9:15,10:00 am,just whenever,and she plays voicemail tag on her phone, and e-mail tag on her computer until lunch at 11:00 AM,where her and her office girlfriends go to the hottest "be seen at" Bistro,then they go to the mall for an hour or two,or they go have their nails or hair done,then get back to the office around 2PM have a couple of meetings,play e-mail and voicemail tag for an hour and at 5PM they go home." He also added that these "Cosmo girls" loved looking down there noses at others who are not as "fortunate" as they are" He said "she was about the snottiest bitch he ever met." So I asked him why he dated her for so long,about 6 months,he said because "she was a freak when it came to sex." And the he said---"but here's the wierd part." And I asked "there's a 'wierd part?'" to which he said "Oh yeah---you see,she dresses like a queen,everything is perfect,expensive,hip,chic,designer stuff.She SNEERS at Wal Mart.Her hair, nails, and makeup are top of the line,her apartment is upscale,spotlessly clean." To which I replied that "she had expensive taste,but this snotty attitude,well I understand the type,I wouldnt put up with it." But he said "the sex, man --the sex was wild" She did it all,and I mean all,some of the wierdest shit you can think of,and then---she immediately took shower and acted as if it NEVER happened,she was like a robot or something,like all the sudden she was this spotless doll again" He said it "kept him interested longer than it should because all those girls seemed to be that way" becuase he dated a couple of more of them and they were roughly the same.OK----here is the point----its this ridiculous ACT that people try to sell you about life in this country.Its this FALSE AIRE that people try to foister upon you,this act as if they are clean,spotless people of high upstanding morals and somehow,MONEY makes you this way,or status and stature at your worth less job gives you.Let me tell you what you are---you are human beings and its just a matter of LUCK that you land in your little spot in the word.I dont give a rolling fuck about what college or degree you have,your still a human being first.And for the most part,all youre really looking for in this life is that next meal and who is going to be poking your pussy tonight, or whether or not your'e going to get some pussy tonight.Just look at our TV personalities and Politicians and our Religious Leaders---do you really believe theyre working hard to solve the problems??? Are you that wiped???Are you that naive??? NO ALL theyre looking for is the next meal and sex with all that they have been given in this world,Or else---shit would get done-----But dont lie to me,dont pretend your'e something your'e not around me,I know a rutting pig when I see one.Im man enough to admit it.

Hillbilly Warlord's Public Safety Announcement No. 3

Warranties......EVERYTHING you buy has a warranty.Warranties are worded to sound AWESOME.Warranties sometimes cost extra,to maximize your coverage.WOW!!!! but when it gets right down to it they are WORTHLESS.The company will do EVERYTHING they can to wiggle out of the warranty. A warranty basically means this;......."This warranty covers Everything----EXCEPT Anything -----than can possibly go wrong with this product" People---they dont give a fluffy fuck---once an item is in your hands and out of the store and the sale is made---TOUGH SHIT-------sucker.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hillbilly Warlords Public Safety Announcement No.2

No...Not ALL Muslims are terrorists. BUT...TOO MANY of them ARE...TOO MANY of them are TURNING out to be terrorists.TOO MANY of them are being FOUND OUT to BE terrorists.No...not ALL Muslims are terrorists.But far TOO MANY of them ARE terrorists.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Gonna be some sweet sounds.comin' down,on the Night Shift" Part IV

Night Shift work and jobs have dwindled down to next to nothing in America.Our factories have been sent over the border and overseas,and we have been sold out by our own politicians and business leaders who dont want to govern free people, or pay them a decent wages.So they sent it all to Mexico and China for cheap labor and MASSIVE profits for themselves.Oink oink!!!......So night shift jobs are now just the basic necessities,Law Enforcement,Medical Services: EMT's,Hospitals,nursing homes.Some Utility and maintenence work,and 24 hour gas stations and a few retail outlets and very few and dwindling grocery stores that are open 24 hours.Along with witnessing first hand this decline of jobs,the wages have gone down,too,because your employer who runs a night shift in any of these mentioned areas does not give a fluffy fuck about your night shift sacrifices.They dont care,Night Shift,whats left of it,has become a "necessary evil" that they cant simply send over the borders or overseas.You think they wouldnt ship medical care off if they could? Hell, if it was profitable and feasible,you would be visiting your mom in a nursing home in Mexico, IF they could do it.So Night Shift---whats left of it,is something they begrudgingly HAVE to HAVE. They HATE having to pay for night shift employees.They dont give a damn about the sacrifices Night Shift workers make,and whats more,neither do the day shift workers.They dont give a shit as long as they dont have to do it,or else they'd be on nights too.Night Shift---no matter if I worked in a factory,a nursing home,security or in law enforcement---is the scapegoat and the blame for as much as day shift can find wrong.Day shift ALWAYS blames the night shift when things go wrong.Employers and management also jump in and gleefully blame nights too.While they're in bed at night,and have to wake up and come in in the morning,they quickly put everything off on nights, citing that "there isnt that much work" or it "slows down" when in fact MORE---YES MORE--- gets accomplished at night for LESS.But who cares??? Night shifters are "lazy, and if they were really worth it, they'd want them on days,"right?-----Let me tell you what night shift does for you bitching and moaning day shifters.First off---PEOPLE---are NOT NOCTURNAL. Human beings are not NOT NOCTURNAL!!! That alone should DOUBLE the night shift wages!! No matter how long you are on night shift,if you get off nights and work days,you WILL easily slip back into sleeping nights,easier than the other way around.Night shifter LOSE far more rest and sleep than day shifters.Night shifters must STILL deal with the day.NO ONE comes to us at 300AM for anything,ALL appointments,doctors,school(if you have kids)legal and clerical needs,errands,and anything you have to do occurs between 800am(in most cases 900am) to 5oopm and in some cases maybe 600pm.Night shifter must still deal with the day---So therefore---there IS NO SET SLEEP SHCEDULE for a night shift worker.Night shift workers sleep WHEN they can,at VARYING times of the day,for as LONG as they can, IF----IF----IF they can sleep at all on a particular day.Night shifters actually lose 2 to 5 YEARS OFF THEIR LIVES.Night shifters are out of shape,and get far less exercise,becuase of their daily varying schedule.They eat WHEN they can,IF they can WHAT they can when they can get it. They miss out on time with their families,their hobbies are set aside,and if you work in aplace that has a night shift,you WILL be working MOST and ALL holidays and weekends,ESPECIALLY if your'e on night shift.Most daytimers are too damn stupid to realize just how much dies down after 9ooPM each evening.Not many people work nights anymore,so its not even near as considered as it once was.MOST PEOPLE---IN AMERICA---work the day shift,have weekends off,and holidays off. Know how I can tell? Because traffic is at its MINIMUM--AT NIGHT--on holidays and weekends---AT NIGHT---it drops off sharply.Dont include interstate traffic jams and travel,this is NOT night shift "work,"make no mistake.And then they turn around and trivialize and minimize the sacrifice night shifters do because day shifters "have it so bad."Day shift is when everbody,and the right people,(the employers and Management)are present to hear, and have to deal with the bitching and whining day shift does all day long.Night shifters are not present to defend themselves,nor does any of these daytime employers and managers ever even BOTHER to come in one night and even acknowledge the night shift,much less hear their sides of the equation or their needs,so management and employers appease and placate whats before them---bitching whining,complaining day shifters.How do I know?? Ive spent YEARS--- NEVER---NEVER, even SEEING my bossess,supervisors,much less the employers themselves!!! But remember why? ---they dont give a fluffy fuck about night shift and its employees.Its amazing that Americas' employers leave nights to such chance and compromise.But when you know little to nothing about it because you dont give a damn as long as the money rolls in and you dont have to hear it,so what? Right? Ah America and her employers. What a country!What a way to do business. All talk.All the time. They just know what to say at the right times to get the heat off themselves." ............"Gonna be some sweet sounds,comin' down,on the Night Shift"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gonna be some sweet sounds,comin' down,on the Night Shift" Part III

I was off one night from my night shift job,and night being my "day" I decided to go to a 24 hour Walmart,and get some gas at an all night 24 hour a day,365 day a year convenience store. As I walked in the store, a man was quite upset at the cashier,a young woman who was in her late teens or early 20's,becuase she was stocking the cooler and evidently didnt get to this man as quickly as he wanted. He was upset because he was having to wait for her to turn the pump on so he could get gas. At night,it is good policy to make people pay for gas before they pump it to eliminate drive offs(stealing gas)He was not happy about that either, and was letting her know it. He was not only wanting to gas up his big gas hog truck,but also his big bass boat,too,and she was "holdin' him up." from "gittin' on tha lake bafore sunup" It was around 4:15 A.M. He also commented that it "took a while to fill these things up" He was quite upset. The Cashier apologized and tried to explain she was in the cooler and was hurrying as fast as she could,but he was just upset.....SO.....I had to comment....and this is what I said: "Hey asshole,you are going fishing,SHE is WORKING,trying to do herJOB,wont you shut the hell up." Hoping and expecting a good argument at least, the man said nothing,paid for his gas, and as I was pumping my gas,he wouldnt even look at me.I was hoping he'd say something......So I go on to WalMart....let me tell you something about any and every WalMart I've ever been in at night,that's open 24 hours----They dont want you in there at that time.They are trying to stock and clean,and the last thing they want is a "godamn customer" in their store.Especially the Salisbury NC location. Ive stopped going to Wal Mart at night.They dont want to be bothered.Ah yes,....."Gonna be some sweet sounds,comin' down,on the Night Shift."

Halloween....Hillbillywarlord Style.....

I am not a Christian.Nor a Jew,nor a Muslim.Not a Hindu,Nor am I a Satanist,an Agnostic,or an Atheist......You figure it out.I get tired of explaining it.I dont recruit,proselytize nor do I knock on doors.........Some years ago I was working in a place that seemed to be full of the most gracious,perfect Christians to ever walk planet Earth,according to them. One woman,a co worker, came up to me and asked me this very question....."What does 'YOUR KIND' do for Halloween?" This was a baited question for the Christian gossip mill,I knew it,she knew it,and I was hoping for it---so I layed it on thick. The horns grew out of my forehead as I explained......"Well...typical American family stuff I guess...we'll put on our black robes,form a circle around an altar,try to summon a few demons or two---pretty typical family fun---,and this year,the kids wanted to sacrifice something,so we got them some animals to ritualistically sacrifice.And after that,when the kids go to bed,we adults light a huge bonfire, get naked,get drunk and high on all kinds of drugs,have an orgy, and then everybody goes home. Pretty average stuff I guess.What do you guys do?".............I wish you could see this womans face as I remember it.I didnt think a jaw could drop like that without surgical intervention. She was speechless,I just stood there and acted as if it was all the most natural thing in the world. After the proverbial '1000 year pause',she said "Really???" Not wanting to let this fish go,I said "Sure! Doesnt everybody??"She walked off. I KNEW she found this ABSURD line of BULLSHIT I shot her, to be the ABSOLUTE GOSPEL TRUTH. I simply couldnt wait for the "fallout." Hours later...the same woman came up to me and whispered,and I kid you not---"When is this thing going to be? I'd like to come too." ... Now it was my turn to pause......she was not an older woman,in fact she was in her mid 20's,but was brought up in a church, so she knew very little about the world except what had been spoon fed to her from her ultra-con family and peers in our area. But she was serious. Her eyes were darting around,as she whispered,obviously afraid to be heard. She hadn't, and never did tell anyone what I said.When I finally told her what really happens,she was actually disappointed.It took me a while to realize this myself...she might have been looking for something different in her life,I dont know.But I would never trust her enough to find out.You must come to this of your own volition,through your very own self realization,and remember,what goes around, comes around........... and there never was any fallout from it. I was disappointed.

Friday, September 18, 2009

"Gonna be some sweet sounds,comin' down,on the Night Shift" Part II PROOF POSITIVE!!

Started a new job.The Boss found out I've done night shifts.Now...he wants to add a night shift and keep the place open 24 hours a day instead of 19 hours a day...PROOF POSITIVE!!! As I siad in the first post..."Once an employer finds out youve been on nights,you will end up on nights if you want to continue working there." Its infallible,my predictions.Hell, I ought to put a crystal ball in front me and CHARGE MONEY.......

Friday, September 11, 2009

A communication moment......

Just now,My wife and I were standing at the front door,watching the Hummingbirds.We have whats called "Hummingbird Vines," growing in our flowerbeds,that they particularly enjoy.One of them came to the glass door and hovered at our eye level,just looking at us!!! He hovered there,just watching us watch him (or her)!!! Couldnt have been a foot away!!!! That was really cool. The little bird was just as curious about us as we were of it. A good omen!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Gonna be some sweet sounds,comin' down,on the NIGHT SHIFT"

I had been in the US Navy for about a year and half,when I started working at the Naval Hospital in Charleston SC,in 1984. I was a Navy Corpsman, with the Navy Medical Corps. I had been working at the Naval Weapons Station Branch Clinic,and was transferred from there because I did not quite fit in with that setting.The Command Master Chief had placed me there because I was married,had a family,and tried to do me a favor by sending me to work at the NWSBC,because the hours and duty would both be better for my situation. It was said,after I got there,that if I did carouse around with Chief Charlie and his little "mafia" he controlled there,I would be out on my ass in no time....I lasted longer than I thought,but I was eventually transferred from the NWSBClinic to the Hospital because I did not carouse around with Chief Charlie and his little "in crowd." The Chief also said he would make sure that "my ass was assigned to a grunt unit in the Marines."This was considered to be the lowest "shit detail" possible. Navy Corpsman are assined out to Marine units,because the Marine Corps has no Medical Corps of its own,and the Marine Corps is actually a branch of the Dept. of the Navy.So they send Corpsman out to their units as "Battlefield Medics." The old Chief made good on that promise,and I did wind up with the grunts when I left Charleston.There's no telling what that drunk,fat ,yellow eyed,asshole told his superiors to get me there,but I was not welcome from day one there.I was set up to fail.I was from the south,they were from the north.I did not realize that northerners had such a problem with southerners,I didnt know that stereotypes were as dangerous as they were,I was still,only about 18 or 19 years old. I think what scared them was that I quickly showed that I was much smarter than what they believed about southerners.I was set up to fail.So...I was sent to the hospital to work on the wards---something that was considered to be another "shit detail." One thing about the Navy I experienced in the mid 1980's was this odd pecking order of what was good duty and bad duty. I thought it was an all inclusive,all important,we're-all-on-the-same-team mentality.I was wrong. But again,I was young. Soon after,I was driving to the Hospital for my first NIGHT SHIFT, of my life.I had worked until the wee hours of the morning,but never a full night.As I said I lived off base,and I was driving to the Navy Hospital,which was actually much closer than the Weapons Station Clinic from our townhouse,anyway so this could be a better deal.The schedule was a week of nights,a week of evenings,a week of mornings---a "rotating shift" All of the rumors followed me,all and only everything negative. I was "more married to my wife and not the Navy",I didnt know my job" I lived too close to home" blah blah. There wasnt many hours that went by that I didnt catch hell for me being married during that whole time,one way or another,and then my wife gave them all they needed to say "they told me so," By running off with a Marine when I was overseas when I was with the Marines after this little part of the story.In a bigger way,that was more of a favor than I realized at the time.But I didnt deserve it,my wife at this time didnt deserve it,until of course when she started pulling her little stunts. As I drove to the hospital,it being spring in Charleston,I remember the window was rolled down in the car,and the smell of saltwater and honeysuckle was very strong. I remember thinking that I didnt want to be on night shift forever,that though I am a "nighthawk" I loved spending nights my way, and not at work. Little did I know,that this night was sowing the seeds of my future.I would be relegated and shoved off to the night shift up until this very day.For 25 years of my working life,over half that time has been on night shift. A song came over the radio,called the "Night Shift" I dont know if its the Commodores who does the song,but its done by a black RnB group. "Gonna be some sweet sounds,comin' down,on the "Night Shift." I hoped this was a good omen. But hospital ward work was tedious,and again, it was considered to be "shit detail,"I was set up to fail. They knew all about me before I got there. Damned if they(My superiors at my new assignment at the hospital) didnt know I'd pissed the old Senior Chief off,already!! Again,my being married and lived off base, was a problem. I was reminded of it daily.It was called to the floor,daily.It was "see here,if only you werent married..."Daily. If is was such a goddamned problem,why even let me in in the first place? My marriage was not OK like their marriages were. My marriage was vilified,others marriages in the Navy was lionized.My marriage was a hinderance,theirs was a testament to the power of love in a tough career lifestyle. Now even at that time I realized,my wife and children did not deserve this. My BIGGEST PROBLEM was the fact that I could see this,and TOLD THEM my thoughts about their criticisms. Maybe I shoudve just kept my mouth shut.Another thing that has followed me throughout my life,is that I am expected to just stand idly by, when someone fucks with me for any reason,then acts surprised or mad if i retaliate. If I defend myself,I'm a "bully." If I dont defend myself,I'm a "wimp" I do not get middle ground,and never the benefit of the doubt that I am expected, and demanded of, to give others. That night,I remember thinking,yet somehow---in some strange way---this would be a big part of my future.Once an employer knows youve done night shift,thats where you'll end up as long you stay there,they'll get you to do night shift. but over the years,night shift has become less and less available.In part II,I''l explain it some more.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Global Warming clarification.

I must clarify that "my conclusions" are of my own opinion about global warming,based on all that I have read about it,pro and con. I'm no expert,but then the "experts" are highly questionable themselves.You have to make up your own mind about it. Is the earth warming? It WAS as of about 2 years ago.The past two summers and years,have not even registered any where near the top ten "hottest summers" or "warmest years" on record.Especially this summer of 2009.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Global Warming Part II...Chicken Little is now GOD....

There are several theories as to why the climate is warmer than usual.First off,I do not believe that it is "mankinds' fault,"primarily Americans fault.Sure our way of life has something to do with it.Our cars,trucks, SUV's,but just one small volcanic eruption puts 100 times more of the same pollutants as our vehicles do.One thing you will not hear or see in the mainstream news media, is the fact that those countless acres of rice paddies,spread all over China,Indonesia,and India,put out twice as much greenhouse gases as our our cars,and trucks do,just to feed these nations ridiculously ABSURD OVER-populations.Even still,this does not match one small volcanic eruption---combined!!!Here is why I think the weather is warming. No.1 We are still melting and thawing from the "Little Ice Age"and No.2 Because we havent had the volcanic eruptions that produced the "Little Ice Age"No.3 The Last major volcanic eruption that took place was Krakatau in 1883,before that was Tambora in 1815,that produced the "year without a summer"The "Little Ice Age" was waning in the 1800's but these two events,especially Tambora,kept it going.So,No.4 We havent had a major volcanic eruption.Mt St Helens, Pinatubo,and all the others during the 20th century were nothing compared to Tambora and Krakatau.It is evident that there may have been many volcanic eruptions to keep the "Little Ice Age" going for over 4 centuries,and we are still thawing from that.But......the only "real warming" has been only occuring in the last 20 years or so.Why? Simple. Sunspots. The past decade has been a really big event for sunspots.The lack of sunspots were present during the little ice age as well,the "Maunder Minimum" It has been warmer because of the increased sunspot activity,over the past 20 years. It appears that this cycle has ended,and the sunspots has disappeared and decreased to a very low minimum again,as this was a particularly intense period of sunspots,that even Mars experienced warming.There are no SUV's or rice paddies on Mars. Sunspots make the entire solar system just warm enough to notice the unusualness about it.So MY CONCLUSION is...that global warming has been nothing but an intense period of solar sunspot activity,coupled with the lack of major volcanic activity.When you think about it,it is completely ASSININE of the US Government and other governments of the world to pass MAJOR GOVERMENT POLICIES,demand that people change their lifestyles,go green socialistic......simply because of......sunspots.A cyclic event. But why has it worked so well? Why are people placing their heads that far up there asses for the Religion of Global Warming? Its because the people who operate the whole Global Warming Scam KNOW that MOST PEOPLE WILL NOT PUT 2and 2 TOGETHER.They know that most people,or enogh people will not think for themselves,and therefore,if they can be convinced that Global Warming is real,then they can fuck them in any postion they want,anytime,anywhere. The Scientists who point this out are already demonized and are now heretics. People believe Chicken Little now.His wisdom is sound fact. Chicken Little in this story,however,has the King on a leash.

Some things I CANT DO WITHOUT.....

My wife,when she first wakes up,and her hair is mess and her makeup smeared. The smell of coffee brewing.My kids,picking on me.Puppy breath. The smell of smoke on a cold night or morning.Squirrels playing.A Christmas tree in a window.Snow.New Guitar strings.KISS. Somethings I cant do with out......there'll be more.

Public Safety Advice No. 1 ........

This is a public safety announcement from the Hillbilly Warlord.If you should accidently swallow a poisonous or toxic substance,or,if you are trying to commit suicide and are PURPOSELY drinking said substances and you chicken out,you will need to induce vomiting. To induce vomiting,the Hillbilly Warlord advises this simple method to induce vomiting.......Imagine Rosie O'Donnell and Anne Coulter in a "69"...this will induce vomiting.

This is a WTF moment.....

I honestly dont know just how in the hell I put myself as a "follower" of myself....!!!!! I dont recall doing that!.....WTF?????

Al Gore....

This is something I forgot to mention in the Global Warning Blog. Al Gore was once a conservative Tennessee Politician,I think he was a senator,the son of a politician.Hot Air was something he grew up with. As a conservative,his wife Tipper was instrumental in labeling music and actually doing evething they could to censor and decide what was to be heard in America.They "settled" for the label,but if they couldve put Rock musica acts and Rock music out of business,well that would have been fine,too.Al Gore was 100% with this.Al Gore,by all outward evidence,was a biblebelt conservative. Not 10 years later,Al Gore is the Vice President in a Liberal White House Administration. All the sudden, Al Gore is a liberal.Next thing you know Al Gore is King of the Aging Hippies.Next thing you know,Al Gore is the Messiah of Global Warming.Al Gore simply follows what makes Al Gore MONEY. If the whole biblethumping thing couldve got him money power and fame,then it would have been.But Global Warming makes Al Gore MONEY.It might get him into the White House yet.

Global Warming......

Global Warming is a religion.Like a religion,anyone who disagrees,and shows evidence to the contrary,is demonized,branded "heretic",is summarily dicounted and discredited.Like a religion,"fact" is meaningless,"faith" takes its place,no matter how silly, or preposterous, or flimsy the evidence for the religion is.Like a religion,Global Warming readily omits,ignores,or outright dismisses any evidence to the contrary,and ONLY adheres to the truths and facts that help it along,using ONLYthe evidences that support it.....Science is fact,religion is faith,and NO, the two cannot mix,no matter what you believe or try to do to make it fit.Climate Change,is Science.Global Warming,is Religion.Climate Change is based on evidence.Global Warming is based on faith.Climate change has been occuring since the very beginning,Global Warming is a socialist political movement to attempt to blame an entire civilazation for what it PERCIEVES as damage to the planet by those they politically and socially disagree with.There is no doubt,that mankind has not been as good a steward to the planet as he could,or should be.But the Global Warming Zealots are out to cram it down you throat without telling you that along with the bad,there's a lot of good going on too.But then a Truth and a Fact can be two different things.A "truth" is a "cherished OPINION" and nothing more.A "fact" is irrefutable,readily available for all to see. The "truth" is......."my wife is pretty,and my kids are smart" To me,this is "true." You might not agree,you might think that it is "true" that my wife is ugly, and my kids are morons. But here's the "FACTS"... I am married and have 4 children.ANYONE and EVERYONE can SEE THIS.I can produce a "marriage certificate,prove I have a wife with tax documents,prove my childrens existences with documentation,the evidence is OVERWHELMING. But I cant prove much beyond that,I cant even prove that I love them,I can only show it,and even then,its tenuous at best.Someone else might not think its "true" that I love my family for many reasons,others might say its for sure and for certain that I do. Truth is a cherished opinion, fact.Here's a twist,a technicality--one child is NOT biologically mine.She was born to my wife before I met her,and yet my daughter was only a small infant at the time and she knows only me as her father,to her,this is true,but the fact is,she is not biologically mine. Global Warming Zealots act as if all that is said about Global Warming is ABSOLUTE FACT. The fact is,---the Meteorologists---dont KNOW what the weather will be like more than 3 - 5 days hence,after that they are only basing their predictions on averages,past data for only a short period of time,and in this case,only about a century,out of BILLIONS of years of weather and climate on Earth. The short answer is this....The weatherman(meteorologists) can only predict a couple of days with better tha average accuracy,as to what the weather will be.They really dont know whats going to happen a week from now,but a Global Warming Zealot,is 100% sure and absolute as to what the weather will be like 100 years from now. Palm trees will be growing on the slopes of the Catskills in New York.It will be a warm wonderful Jimmy Buffet paradise.A meteorologist is one who studys the weather,this includes the we have "climatologists" who mainly focus on Global Warming. We have "paleoclimatologists" who legimately study "Prehistoric Weather."But lets not get this confused with "Climatologists' this is a new title. "Climatologists" are like "Scientologists" and "Creationists." They try to slap science onto a religion no matter how goofy it looks,or how shabby it fits,no matter how evidence points directly against it.These are your foot soldiers in the battle to prove Global Warming is the fault of all Americans and Western Civilization. "WE" are ruining "their" environment. And they are out to punish those they feel are in violation. Like a religion,Global Warming has a kind of "Messiah" His name is Al Gore,who was once a conservative bible thumping bumpkin politician,who has now followed a money trail,and he is now King of Global Warming.Al Gore is nothing more that a hypocritcal pig,a liar,and needs to be brought up on charges for fraud.Global Warming is how he makes money.By screwing people into thinking all the things I've told you so far,and in order to assuage and pay atonement for their guilt of ruining the planet,they may redeem themselves by following the GREEN banner,and invest in GREEN technology,and Ideology,and the religion of Global Warming. Green is the new RED. But if the Reds had it as good as the Global Warmists already do,the world would've been Communist a long time ago.Communism and religion take on many different guises,the two are the same,One people,One Government,one Religion,and like religion,It happens every Sunday,it knows whats best for you. Global Warming is a religion.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Health Care...a simple look....

I have an ingrown toenail.Left foot,Big toe.Hurts so bad,like a toothache.No problem,I have a spiffy insurance plan with my employer,off to the doctor I go.He refers me to a "specialist",a "Podiatrist." I pay my 15$ co-pay(My primary care doctor charges my insurance company a few hundred bucks) A week later,Im seeing the "specialist,the Podiatrist," who says "Yep,you gotta an ingrown toenail.Heres a PRESCRIPTION for any infection that might occur,and we'll see you in 2 weeks!"I pay a 25$ co-pay,the "specialists rates"(The specialist charges my insurance company a few more hundred bucks) I go to the drug store,and my anti-biotic is 15$ co-pay(And the drug store charges my insurance company the 60$,70$ maybe even 100$ for the prescription)...2 weeks goes by,no infection,but then who knows because I took anti-biotics.Ive done far worse in injuries to myself over the years and never developed an infection without anti-bodies,so I think I can manage an ingrown toenail that I've had for a few months,that should have "developed an infection" before I went to my doctor for it in the first place!So...Im at the "specialist" again,the "Podiatrist."He says"Coming along nicely,see you in a week to cut it out." I pay my 25$ co-pay,(the specialist then again charges my insurance company a few hundred more dolllars) I make basically a 4th appointment by now.And a week later,I'm at the Podiatrist,a "specialist" and he cuts HALF the toenail away.JUST HALF.It will come back-repeating this all over again(wink wink)part of the process,setting up the next time,dont cure it,dont stop it from occuring again,OH NO, within a year.I leave,after paying yet another 25$ co-pay,and (the Podiatrist charges another couple of hundred dollars to my insurance company.)It took FOUR APPOINTMENTS,FOUR WEEKS,sure --it didnt cost ME MUCH,but somebody PAID for it,and TWO DOCTORS WERE PAID IN THE PROCESS,and PILLS WERE SOLD,mission accomplished!!!.................A few month later,I stubb my Right Big Toe,on pavement.Toenail falls off in less than 2 weeks.No infection,no doctor,no specialist,it has yet to ever be ingrown............a few months later,the OTHER toenail,has regrown and is now,you guessed it,Ingrown again.This time I have NO INSURANCE,lost my job......the "specialist" will remove the WHOLE NAIL for $300,no referrals,no pills,no numerous appointments,same day service.............NOW----I dont sit around and wonder why health care is in such crisis.Its because the Doctors have raped and robbed Medicare/Medicaid an Insurance Companies for so many years that--of course--the costs go up.And up.And up.Until its out of control.You must make at least $200,000 per year to even begin to be able to play the game of health care in the U.S.,and thats STILL not enough.The right illness can bankrupt all but the rich,and even then,it can make a dent in their finances,too.All but perhaps the super wealthy,the top 2%.I dont want to have to go to a "Social Medicine Model" in America,I want to earn my way and not be taken care of by the government.But when it gets to the place where GREED has driven costs up, and no one can make decisive decisions anyway, in our government, for fear of not getting re-elected,or to "win the house or senate" then something will have to give,and history is full of these kinds of stories.The politicians arent "getting it." Its obvious that they have forgotten that WE are there bosses,and not the other way around.Our government getting involved in health care is the "Socialist Trojan Horse" to our way of living.If it (Social Medicine)works in England,Canada,Thats fine,thats all well and good.But our government cannot afford to take care of 300million-plus in population,as opposed to Canadas' 30 million,England,France and Germany,having what? between 60 to 80 million tops in each country? THATS WHY "social medicine" 'works' in those countries,because they DONT have the population the US has,and they are NOT burdened with the responsibilty of protecting the world militarily,like the US DOES for I dont sit around and scratch my head and wonder why.I KNOW why.

Opening Volleys and First Assaults on your senses.

Hello...I am the Hillbilly Warlord.Lets get started with the name.You will wonder why I chose it.When I was 15,I was in a "garage band." Needless to say,it didnt make it.We never got "out of the garage," never had a complete band at one time. Just teenage guys with some ideas.One was the band names which I proposed was "The Hillbilly Warlords." In my 15 year old mind,this is an "oxymoron" and there have been those who stress the "moronic" part of the word,that's OK,your'e entitled to your opinion.A 'hillbilly" is always a person, or persons, who are "inbred,uneducated,bucktoothed" in the mountains.This stereotype is wrong. Mountain people the world over are independent,tough,hearty breeds of people,with a sense of morals and timeless wisdom.With me so far? Good.A "warlord" is always seen as the tough, rugged, individualistic type who commands men and peoples.This is wrong.The "warlord" is one who surrounds himself with his "personal guards" their guns,their intimidation,their might and muscle,and not so much the "warlord himself." The "Warlord" is more of the "coward" than a "Hillbilly" is an idiot. I hope you see it now,as I do.I kept the name of the band. Together the words "Hillbilly Warlord" should conjure a lot of mental images as to what people will percieve as what a Hillbilly Warlord would look like,act like,be like. I have my own ideas about it.You will come to know it now. I will be blogging about a great many things, I will put forth to you all, things I hope will make you think,Invite you to disagree,agree,or offer another solution or opinion.I hope to say the things that you might be afraid to say yourself,and give you the courage to say it when the time comes.I call it as I see it. I want you to do the same.With that being said,this my very first blog,and a step into a bigger world.